So what exactly do I mean when I say scavenger hunt? Well, this is how it works. You sign up for GISHWHES, and either chose a group to be part of or you are assigned a group by GISHbot. At the beginning of the hunt - which lasts a week - a list of items is uploaded to the GISHWHES website, and for each item your team can receive points. Pretty straightforward right? Well, don't be fooled, the real challenge is in actually doing the items, as they are many a times ridiculous, crazy, amazeballs, or sometimes just downright impossible. Some examples from this year's list, which my team executed:
A family of at least four enjoying a formal dinner. All of the place settings, serving utensils, dishes - basically every non-food item above the tablecloth - must be made from Legos.
Get all of the checkout employees at a supermarket to wear "Mishacolypse" masks as they ring up customers. They all must be working their individual registers when you take the picture. There must be a minimum of four checkout workers. The more cashiers, the more points.
These were totally ridiculous but so much fun to do. Then there were also ones that were just really really cute:
“When I grow up, I want to be...” Have a child dress up as what they want to be when they grow up (lawyer, doctor, ballerina, dragon-slayer, etc.). Then stage the photo in the environment they would be working in.
There were also a bit more serious items, like becoming a bone marrow donor, or getting a CPR certification. There was one my team members were able to do which we were all very proud of, which was: There is a retirement home in Baltimore, MD called Rolland Park Place. My grandmother lives there. Bring flowers, chocolate or funny homemade or store-bought cards for some of the residents. Since this is a bit nepotistic, if Rolland Park Place is out-of-the-way for you, do the same at another retirement home. You must interact with the residents. My awesome teammates called up a retirement home and went to serve cake to them and hand out flowers. The video that resulted from it was just lovely, seeing those people smile and be so happy that these random things were happening to them. It makes me kinda emotional just thinking about it.
But that's also what GISHWHES is about. We were really lucky to be paired up with some amazing people from Utah who were as enthousiastic and dedicated to the hunt as we were, and we ended up doing some great things. I think we were all very proud of each other when it ended, and a bit sad of course.
So guys, if you feel like going crazy for a week, having loads of fun, doing some great things for humanity and also regaining some faith in your fellow humans, sign up for GISHWHES. It's such a rewarding experience and you'll meet some great people from all over the world. And there's just this kind of family feeling that you are all in this crazy thing together.
Want to know more about GISHWHES? Here is the official website and what the man himself has to say about his little project: Misha's Musings. And hey, there's even a Wikipedia page: TAKE A STROLL THROUGH SOME MORE INFO. There are costs involved for signing up, but if you really don't have the money to sign up but to have a burning desire to do so, you can apply to get a free admission.
Oh and perhaps this is also important, there is a reward for those who win! This year it's a trip to Croatia with Misha for the winning team. My team wasn't in it to win, but just for the fun. So just kow that you do not have to work your ass of or do things you might not be comfortable with if you do not want to.
If anything, I know I'll be signing up again next year! May the hunt grow bigger every year! (And I mean, we're on our way, as NASA and a few celebs got into it this year already)
I leave you with a picture of our awesome team.
An image of each of the members of your team in Brady-Bunch style grid format. Photos should be mug-shot style with each team member holding a black and white sign stating their city and country of residence.
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