I probably don't have to expand upon the reasons why it has been a while since my last blogpost- time is going by so fast! This blogging about my experiences is actually harder than I anticipated because essentially this is just real, normal life, and not some weird trip around the world or whatever. But anyway, I went to some nice places in the last few weeks which I thought I'd write a bit about.
Firstly, three friends and I went to Bath a few weeks back. I'm not sure why I knew about Bath's existence, but it's probably due to Jane Austen or some art lesson I had in secondary school. It's not that big of a city - which I knew beforehand - but it's famous for it's Roman Baths, and the Royal Crescent, which I was very excited to see. And actually, it did not disappoint!
I feel like many times you read about something or see pictures and you just expect it to be less cool than that, but it really wasn't.
Just look how cute it is! We were very lucky with the weather, but nonetheless I think it would have been stunning. I either read somewhere or someone told me that the idea behind the Royal Crescent was that people from that time liked to see the clash of nature and civilisation in their architecture - or something oddly nice like that - and true or not, I think they definitely succeeded. Of course, the park in front of the Royal Crescent was packed with tourists - wonder how the people who actually live there feel having their house photographed every five seconds.
I also made some other general pictures of the city which I already uploaded on my facebook, as that might be a bit more readily accessible :)
My friend and I also hung out at Waterstone's for a while, crying because of all the cool books we want to buy but can't actually afford right now - it's a tough life. I saw this beautiful edition of Dracula which I subsequently fell in love with.
Last weekend I went on another exciting trip to Cornwall, together with my parents and brother who came to visit me for a few days. It was really nice seeing them again, and they brought me some Dutch goodies to survive the harsh English experience (just kidding, I've become used to the supermarkets, the tap water, and the bread - I will say no more on the subject). I showed them around Exeter for a bit, took them to see the campus, and the day after we ventured to Land's End, crossing Dartmoor along the way. Again, pictures are already online! However, I just love these two..
Both Dartmoor and Land's End are absolutely stunning, and it reminded me why I love this country so much.